Visceral Games: Dead Space 3 we want to Excel
The term "triple-A" has entered the common parlance to distinguish high quality games from the multitude of mediocre games due to often limited budgets. Among the features of Dead Space 3 che secondo Popoutsis exceed the standards of great games there is, for example, that in the course of the saga has evolved reaching peaks previously unthinkable, and similarly also the plot is significantly improved.
"We wondered: where there is bringing all this? Well, there is leading towards a great showdown, to the answers to questions that have been fixed but still didn't have an explanation. But before we reach the planet Tau Volantis, where the events of Dead Space 3 "concluded Popoutsis.
The project of Visceral Games is certainly ambitious, but to see if succeed in their intent we will have to wait for the February 8, 2013, the date on which the game will come in our stores.