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Gatling Gears


Gatling Gears: intervista agli sviluppatori

Xbox Community Network ci ha fornito una intervista a Vanguard Games sul loro nuovo titolo per Live Arcade Gatling Gears. Ve la proponiamo di seguito, in inglese.



Q. What was your inspiration for Gatling Gears?
A. People tell me all the time how Gatling Gears reminds them of this and that classic top-down shooter. Robotron, or Ikari Warriors, for example. I take that as a compliment, but as a team we also looked at more recent entries in the genre. Assault Heroes was one of the first games of this type on XBLA, so it was a very interesting example.

Q.Can you tell us the birth story behind Gatling Gears? The idea, concept phase, starting to create it and of course how you managed to sell it to EA?
A. We got great responses to the Mistbound world and its atmosphere, which we introduced in our previous game, Greed Corp. People also really liked the little walkers, used as infantry units. What we wanted to do with Gatling Gears is put players inside one of those walkers, arm them to the teeth and let them experience the world from up close. A top-down shooter seemed like a really good fit. When we were promoting Greed Corp, we were able to give press and publishers an early look at Gatling Gears. EA was one of those publishers and they immediately were very enthusiastic about working together.

Q. What key features of the game are you most proud of?

A. A compliment we often get is that the game is about organized chaos. It’s very intense, with lots of enemies and bullets on screen, but you can still see what’s going on and you have a lot of control over it. Effectively dodging rockets and taking out enemy opposition in different situations is challenging and feels very rewarding.

Q. Greed Corp was a fun little game. How was it received commercially? How will you continue the story of Mistbound in this and future games?
A. Greed Corp was a very niche type of game, but it was well received by the press. We knew that it was not a very commercial type of game, but we also knew it was a very strong game within its genre. So all things considered, I think it did pretty well and it was a great introduction to Mistbound. The story in Gatling Gears is very light, but it does build on what we established with Greed Corp. Some of the Mistbound’s key aspects, like the collapsing land, the walkers and the different factions, are part of both games and could certainly serve as a foundation for future games as well.

Q. Going to digital download from huge AAA boxed titles, how does it feel for you?
A. For me personally, it is very rewarding and educational. Because the games are relatively smaller, production cycles are shorter and you can work on more games in the same amount of time. Being able to release a game every year is very motivational. It is easier to try things out, to go in different directions and to act on changes in the industry.

Q. What was the inspiration behind the Steampunk atmosphere of the game?
A. The beginning of Mistbound was initially inspired by a grudge against invisible walls. That’s why the islands are surrounded by mist, as a natural boundary. We thought about what the world would become like if the people had limited resources and technology. An alternate industrial revolution turned it into a pretty apocalyptic scenario, but set in a rich and beautiful world. This combination was key in the creation of our games’ visual style and atmosphere.

Q. Gatling Gears follows a formula (twin-stick shooting) already adopted by other XBLA titles. What’s the thing that separates Gatling Gears from the competition?

A. I think you can really feel that Gatling Gears is such a beautiful, hand-crafted experience and a new benchmark in the genre. Every unit was placed by hand in carefully designed encounters. The visuals are stunning and there’s a high level of destructibility. The unique scoring system is particularly interesting in co-op. It all adds up to a very intense and challenging adventure.

Q. Do you have any plans for DLC in the near future?
A. We don’t have anything concrete planned, yet, but it’s certainly an option.

Q. Will co-op feature be a main feature in the campaign and if so will it be only two players allowed or more?
A. You can play co-op with one other player and it’s a very important part of the campaign, but also in the Survival mode. It’s a different experience, blasting through the enemy legions with a partner. You can arrange complementing walker load-outs and manage health and booster pickups. Defeated enemies drop score items, which have to be collected to earn the points. The score multiplier is shared between players, while actual scores are separated. This creates an interesting mix of co-operation and competition.

Q. How many Mechs/characters will be playable at launch?
A. You’ll stick with the same walker throughout the game, but it can be upgraded by collecting Gold Bars and purchasing new parts at the pirate shop. The walker you finish the game with will look and feel a lot stronger than the one you start out with.

Q. Will the game feature customization? If so what level of customization will there be and will we see any other RPG elements in the final product?
A. The gatling gun, cannon and grenades, as well as your armor, can be individually upgraded up to three times. Upgrading will make you more powerful and have a visual impact on your walker. There are also other unlockables available to further customize your walker visually.

Q. How many battlefields can we expect to fight in? 
A. In the campaign there are six levels, each one containing four areas and then a boss at the end. The Survival mode features three different arenas, all with their own special objective. A campaign area will take about fifteen minutes to complete, while Survival arenas last a bit longer.

Q. Should we expect more from Vanguard Games in XBLA? If yes, what could be next for us?
A. Yes! Wait and see …

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