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More rumors about Gears 6 in June: JD Fenix's voice actor speaks

After the recent rumors about the revelation of Gears 6 at the Xbox showcase in June (still without a date, but probably the 9th), today also arrives the voice actor of JD Fenix, Liam McIntyre, to add meat to the fire.

In an intervention on Twitter, in fact, Liam says that, in his opinion, in June we will finally have news of the new title of The Coalition, thus aligning himself with the other rumors. The actor was responding to a fan who asked if JD's death (one of the two possible choices in the final part of the game) was "canon" (i.e. official in lore and continuity) for the series; in fact, The Coalition had already clarified that the canon death was the other, that of Del Walker.

So there are less than two months left until the announcement of the new Gears? Let's hope that's really the case!
