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Banishers: Ghosts of Eden gives us a long overview of the gameplay

DON'T NOD today released a long video of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden in which the developers show us the main features of this interesting narrative action-adventure that blends a deep narrative with a dynamic combat system, out on February 13th.

The game will see us take on the role of a pair of ghost hunters who will have to face challenging decisions with profound consequences for both the living and the dead. Here's a description of the game, followed by the new footage.

New Eden, 1695: Antea and Red are lovers and Banishers, spirit hunters trained to protect people from lingering ghosts. In a world full of occult dangers, take on the role of both characters, face tough choices, and make tough decisions as you battle all kinds of nightmarish creatures, combining Red's weapons with Antea's spooky abilities.

In this new trailer, you'll be able to navigate the lands of New Eden, learning more about your purpose as a Banishers and how you can help lift the curse that befalls its people, as you face your own tragedy as lovers: one alive, the other dead. Discover a mix of fighting styles with Red's shotgun, sword, and fire sword, and Antea's ethereal attacks. With her otherworldly abilities, she unveils the unseen and unleashes devastating spiritual attacks, from teleportation to spectral damage zones. Quickly switch characters to create combos and powerful synergies as you face off against increasingly evil enemies.

Every soul you banish, every spirit you peace, every life you sacrifice to save Antea will guide you inexorably to one end or another. Will you be a merciful savior or a relentless crier?

MX Video - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden