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The Odd Gentlemen Announces Musical Adventure Harmonium: The Musical, in Game Pass at Launch

Independent studio The Odd Gentlemen announced during TGA Harmonium: The Musical, a musical narrative adventure set in the world of a deaf girl, who experiences music through sign language and many other visual devices.

The game, which features a visual style that is very reminiscent of Disney/Pixar movies, has no release date, but will arrive in Game Pass at launch. Here is the presentation of the developers and the announcement trailer.

Harmonium: The Musical is an interactive sign-language musical and adventure/storytelling game that follows Melody Macato, an energetic 10-year-old Filipino-American musician who became deaf at a young age. For his upcoming debut show, he wants to create a new kind of music that can be heard, seen, and accessible to his friends.

When Melody's notes leap off the page, she's drawn to a musical and visual wonderland called Harmonium. To get home in time for her big show, Melody must face Cacophony, an all-consuming force that can only be defeated with a masterpiece symphony.

In a world where all music is displayed, players explore the wonders of Harmonium through innovative gameplay mechanics and narrative puzzles that incorporate American Sign Language and allow the player to communicate through body language, hand shapes, and gestures.

This heart-warming story features universal themes that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and backgrounds. Players are taken on a fantastical journey in which Melody discovers her own painted symphony, a song that lives in her heart and through her hands.

Harmonium is a collaboration between writers, designers, artists, and animators from the deaf community and an award-winning narrative game studio, The Odd Gentlemen, to create a game that is accessible to a wide audience of all ages. Through many years of development, the story, gameplay, and art have grown and been revised to authentically represent Melody's story. The team is excited to announce their passion project to the world.

MX Video - Harmonium: The Musical