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The MondoXbox Community Awards are back: nominations are open!

We are pleased to announce that, after a few years of hiatus, the MondoXbox Community Awards are back, the event that wants to celebrate with you the videogame year on Xbox, reward the best titles released on Xbox in 14 different categories and crown the Xbox Game of 2023, all according to the MondoXbox Community!

The selection and voting process will be divided into two phases, which will obviously be followed by the award ceremony. The first phase (nominations) is already open and will last until Monday 20 November.

To vote, simply reach the form on this page.

Here are the basic rules for this nomination phase:

1) For each category you can nominate a maximum of 3 different games (or DLC / extra content, patches). It is not mandatory to vote in all categories and/or nominate 3 titles in each category.

2) Nominations are "free", meaning you can vote for any game (or DLC/extra content, patch) you can think of in any category, as long as you enter the name correctly and stay as loyal to the category as possible (e.g. Forza Motorsport in the Best Adventure category is not an accepted nomination).

3) The game (or DLC/extra content, patches, etc.) must have been released on Xbox consoles (no matter if exclusive or not).

4) The game (or DLC/extra content, patches, etc.) must have been released between November 15, 2022 and November 15, 2023.

5) You can't name the same game (or DLC/extra content, patches, etc.) multiple times in the same category.

The nomination collection form will remain active until 21:00 on Monday 20 November 2023.

Each user will only be able to vote once (for this you need to sign in with a valid Google account). Email addresses linked to accounts WILL NOT be registered.

The 5 most nominated titles in each category (or not, if this number is not reached) will enter the final voting phase.

The finalists will be announced on our Twitch channel on Monday, November 27 starting at 21:00

Thanks in advance to all participants, and may the best games win!