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PAYDAY 3 announces an Open Beta before launch

Deep Silver announced today that from September 8th to 11th we will be able to try the PAYDAY 3 co-op heist shooter in a Technical Open Beta that will take place just a few days 10 days before the launch of the game.

The Technical Open Beta will not require any access keys and will feature the same content as the August 2023 Closed Beta. It is based on a version of the game dating back to April 2023 and is not a final representation of PAYDAY 3. This Technical Open Beta will allow the development studio to identify potential problems with the servers before launch.

The PAYDAY 3 Technical Open Beta will offer:

  • The original gang: Dallas, Hoxton, Chains and Wolf. The iconic clown-masquerading characters that made the PAYDAY franchise famous are all playable, each with their own unique abilities.
  • No rest for the wicked, a classic heist that will give players the goal of stealing all the cash from the vault of a small bank. Heisters can choose to act stealthily, without anyone noticing anything, or to do things as loudly as possible, to really feel like a robbery in New York.
  • All difficulties will be playable, the level cap corresponds to Infamy level 22 and Weapon Upgrade Level is 8.

The Beta will be accessible and downloadable from the Xbox Insider App on our consoles. Have fun!