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Annapurna announces Ghost Bike cycling adventure, arrives on Game Pass at launch

Annapurna and studio Messhof today announced Ghost Bike, an original semi-open world adventure in which we play a boy cyclist in a colorful world. The game is expected during 2024, and will arrive on Game Pass at launch.

Here is the first information about the game and the announcement trailer.

Ghost Bike puts players in the shoes of a street kid from Freehub City on a mission to bring back to life the last Ghost Bike, the magical couriers who traveled between the worlds of the living and the dead. Ride the Ghost Bike to the afterlife and rescue the lost souls of Wheel World.

Abandoned and forgotten, the Ghost Bike needs to be repaired. Bicycles need maintenance and this is at its last connection! Defeat ghosts in speed and skill races to regain the Ghost's power. Only then can you embark on the journey to the afterlife and bring the true spirit of cycling back to Wheel World.

Key features

  • Explore a beautifully stylized semi-open world, completing challenges at your own pace
  • Find hidden parts of the bike and customize the structure
  • Test your mettle through a variety of challenges ranging from professional group competitions to alley critters and antics in general
  • Original soundtrack by artists from the hit music label "Italians Do It Better".
  • Meet many aspects of bicycle culture, bespoke spoke builders, radical road racers, annoying tourists, BMX fanatics, fanatics, hilarious stunts, intrigue, adventures and much more!
MX Video - Wheel World