Announced for Xbox the tactical rpg Lost Eidolons
Lost Eidolons is a tactical turn-based strategy role-playing game set in a Western fantasy world called Artemesia. The story follows Eden, a respectable mercenary in his hometown of Lonetta. When an aristocratic conspiracy causes his fall from grace, he has no choice but to follow the machinations of fate that will involve him in a ploy to overthrow the conquering emperor, Ludivictus. A journey full of moral dilemma, bitter farewell and emotional betrayal; Eden's journey will force him to discover who he really is on this great stage.
Among the main features of the game we find the mix between turn-based strategic combat and the character customization typical of role-playing games. All seasoned with a soundtrack orchestrated by composer Clark Abound, already author of OST such as Sly the Spire and Factory Town.