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Deep Silver confirms continued development of Dead Island 2

Since it was announced six years ago, Dead Island 2 has undergone a series of postponements and several developer changes, until it disappears completely from the news, leading us to fear a cancellation of the project; the troubled development, which began with the break-up between Deep Silver and Yager Productions,then passed into the hands of Sumo Digital and then ended, two years ago, at Dambuster Studios.

Since the change of development team in 2019, there has been no news of the game, so much so that there is a fear of a possible abandonment of the title; the scarcity of updates has caused fans of the zombesca series to express their doubts about the possible release of Dead Island 2,so much so that Deep Silver confirms again, on Twitter,the development of the game.

Surely it will still be some time before we have more details about the game and especially the release date. All we have to do is wait for information on this: keep following us!
