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The new season of Apex Legends starts tomorrow

The sixth season of The Battle Royale by Respawn Apex Legends premieres tomorrow, August 18, introducing the explosive Rampartas a new Legend. A new map is not currently planned, but the well-known "World Borders" has been significantly modified, as explained by the design team's director, Jason McCord.

First, the train was stopped! Its wagons have been scattered across the map to offer new opportunities for shelter (and loot): this choice also allows you to take advantage of the numerous tunnels that previously had to be kept clear to allow the convoy to pass.

Among the absolute innovations that will modify the map is "Launch Base", a new structure built by Hammond, at the center of which is placed a colossal missile. The structure is equipped with raised walkways, and as many as four control rooms full of loot, in short an inviting ground for the most unscrupulous teams.

The area that traditionally saw the rise of the Drilling Area will instead house a mysterious new fortress, called "The Reverse Count": the space in the center of the structure offers excellent lootpossibilities, but being exposed in all directions will require special attention before being looted!

In the center of the game map will be a Collection Point, a new structure.
In these three new areas, players will find another intriguing addition to them: The Reinforced Walls. These are defensive structures that can be activated by the team that first manages to reach its controls. This will not be enough to make the team sheltered behind these Walls "unassailable", but it will certainly have a substantial advantage in defending the position.

In addition to these changes, there are many minor changes to the map that the most attentive players will not struggle to notice: Respawn has worked in particular to provide more possibilities in rotations, inserting new exit routes (such as a new geyser) and shortcuts.

While waiting to be able to get a first hand to the news of this update, we leave you to watch the trailer that introduces us to the new season by getting acquainted with the new Legend: Rampart. Have a good look!

MX Video - Apex Legends