Cyberpunk 2077: Free Series X upgrade won't arrive at console launch
Michal Nowakowski, senior vice president of CD Projekt RED,said at a meeting with shareholders that while the Xbox Series X upgrade is planned, it won't be available at the launch of Microsoft's new console, but will only come later. Microsoft
"Speakingof the Microsoft console, we have officially confirmed both the update and the cross-gen availability. This means that you can play the Xbox One game on Series X from launch; The version that will take advantage of the capabilities of the next generation consoles, however, will only come later. We have not announced when.",these are the words of Nowakowski himself.
The word then went directly to CD Projekt REDPresident Adam Kicishski, who spoke about the game's DLC plan, stating that the team is committed to ensuring at least the same amount and quality as the DLC received by The Witcher 3 (2 very full-bodied paid expansions and numerous free minor DLCs), thus helping to increase the overall longevity of the title as well as allowing players to delve into the stories and characters.
What do you think of the new information disseminated by the boys of CD Projekt RED? Let us know in the comment space and keep following us to stay up to date on all future information that will affect the new Cyberpunk 2077, whose release is set (and the developers are currently ruling out further postponements) for September 17 on Xbox One!