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New games are added to the Game Pass before the Xbox conference, GP Ultimate available

It seems that someone at Microsoft has "pressed the switch" ahead of time, because several content related to the Xbox Game Pass that should have been announced during tonight's Xbox conference are now available.

First, the Game pass Ultimate, which joins Pass and Gold subscriptions in a single 12.99 Euro subscription per month, is now available on the Games Store and can be purchased for the first month at the price of 1 euro, even If you already have both or one of the two subscriptions.

In addition to this, the Game Pass has just enriched 19 new games, immediately available for download from the owners of the subscription! Here is the complete list with links to the Store:

Important: The Game Pass app is not yet updated, so to download them use these links or search them directly in the Games Store of the console, without going through the page of the game pass. Good downloads and good fun at all!