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A new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III teaches us to master the Keyblade

Square Enix has released a new gameplay video, completely in Italian, of Kingdom Hearts III who teaches us to master the Keyblade , the powerful arms of the Kingdom Hearts series, where Sora must bring back the light into the worlds and try to defeat once and for all the master Xehanort .

Players must help Sora and his friends to protect the worlds of Disney and Pixar from obscurity and unlock the mysterious power of the Keyblade , which for the first time in the series, have the ability to change shape and gain of new abilities and attacks inspired by the characters and elements of each world. Sora can also equip more than one Keyblade and trade them during the fighting.

Players will also learn to use elemental magic to attack or defend, creating ice slides and eddies of wind to navigate the chaos of battle. You can also use the power of Things , which take the form of various classic Disney rides, or ally with Donald Duck , Goofy and other characters to turn the tide of battle against the darkness.

The video also shows a preview of Gummiship we can build for traveling between worlds that can be customized using parts collected during trips.

We leave you the video, remembering that Kingdom Hearts III is expected on [/play] the [play] PlayStation Xbox One January 29 4: enjoy!

MX Video - Kingdom Hearts III