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Rumor: Ubisoft video suggests the announcement of a new title tied to Tom Clancy

The 2018 will be remembered for a number of rumors that have characterized the gaming and could only end with another indiscretion involving a possible announcement related to a new game tied to Tom Clancy . Ubisoft has teased fans with the release of a promotional video with clues that would seem to put off right at the saga of Tom Clancy.

The site where the video promoted by Ubisoft is named Skell Technology and stepped inside of it, you are prompted for a username and a password which are respectively " asantos " e " 10068 " . Once you have logged in, you can view the video that refers to a fictitious technology company called Skell Technology and whose founder Jack Skell explains in detail the products range from agricultural use to more complex used by the military.

The movie has no explicit reference related to the series of Tom Clancy , but some users have found ties to this company is in Rainbow Six: Siege che in Ghost Recon Wildlands .

Che sia un nuovo titolo in arrivo lo scopriremo sicuramente presto e non ci resta che attendere un annuncio ufficiale da parte di Ubisoft ; nel frattempo vi lasciamo al video in questione: buona visione!

MX Video - Ghost Recon Wildlands
