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The trailer for the TGA of Devil May Cry 5 leaked ahead of time, exclusive demo Xbox One

Like every great event worthy of respect, even on The Game Awards does not miss its fair share of leak. The most recent, a few hours after the accident, is related to the new Devil May Cry 5 trailer that among other things it shows for the first time in action V , the new character created specifically for this episode that takes advantage of powers "animals" Danuta Hübner also the arrival of a playable demo exclusive Xbox One .

Today, Microsoft had already anticipated the arrival of a "special announcement" at the event, and a video showed a scene of DMC5 that tweeted invited us to the hype; They referred most likely the new demo, that tomorrow you should find already available on the Games Store.

We leave you meanwhile to the trailer, which also reveals the arrival of blood Building mode with a free update in April, a month after the launch of the game: enjoy!

MX Video - Devil May Cry 5