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State of Decay 2 celebrates 3 million players with Independence Pack

Keep the good news to Undead Labs and their State of Decay 2 ; After being the best selling game in the UNITED STATES in may by beating more than double a horrendous competition, the title has now added another million players to the two already announced at the beginning of the month, resulting in three million players connected since inception.

For the occasion, Microsoft today released the DLC Independence Pack , designed to celebrate American independence day on July 4. The package, costing € 4.99 (10% discount for holders of the Game Pass) or included in the Ultimate Edition, adds new vehicles, weapons and fireworks on festive theme.

These all content including:

Get off between enemies with 3 amazing new vehicles, each with unique anti-zombie implementations!

  • Pyrohawk (a hatchback that shoots Fireworks to undead approaching)
  • Burninator (a van with side flamethrower)
  • Meatwagon (a van that sowing pieces of red meat attracts-zombie along its path)

Download a barrage of explosions with 2 new and exciting ranged weapons!

  • Pitcher arsonist (ignites the hordes with this Roman candle multi-barrel)
  • Spades explosive Launcher (impala the target with a firecracker explosive)

Breaks through the undead heads with 3 new melee weapons!

  • Mace of liberty (a baseball bat gloriously decorated)
  • Grillmeister (once a garden tool, now a sharp dispenses death)
  • Barbecue skewer (a practice new melee weapon)

Wreak havoc with 4 new incendiary Fireworks!

  • Boom & Roll (attracts all the zombies in the district)
  • Reign of fire (creates a huge ring of fire impetuous)
  • Boris loping (creates havoc with a series of loud explosions)
  • Firework XL (turn on, launch and run!)

In case you want to make more barrels, you can use the mod creation Station structure Fireworks to produce additional Fireworks or ammunition for your brand new flamethrower, or you can pay a visit to a new vendor you will sell the explosives you're looking for. After purchase, use the radio menu to collect your new equipment.

We leave you now to the launch trailer of the new DLC.

MX Video - State of Decay 2
