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Kingdom Come: Deliverance adds the Hardcore mode, trailer for the new DLC story

Warhorse Studios today announced that the open-world RPG medieval Kingdom Come: Deliverance, is enriched through a free DLC in Hardcore Mode , a mode that will make the title much more challenging putting a strain on players. The Hardcore Mode introduces malus unusual , as brittle bones, nightmares and claustrophobia and players must pick two that will have an impact and stay on track throughout the game. Players who finish the game with two penalties, will unlock new achievement.

The challenge is made even more challenging because of the absence of the bars of health and stamina and AutoSave, while the fighting and navigation will be more realistic.

In addition to the new mode, Deep Silver and Warhorse Studios have released a new trailer showing a first overview of the DLC story titled "From the Ashes" , which will be available in July; We show it here: enjoy!

MX Video - Kingdom Come: Deliverance