The acclaimed RPG two-dimensional Darkest Dungeon finally arrives on Xbox One later this month
Giuseppe Genga / Neural
P 20 feb 2018 08:35
Darkest Dungeon will be available for the first 60 days in the Crimson Edition to 24.99 Euros, which includes in addition to the original game even the DLC Crimson Court. From 29 April the Crimson Edition will be removed from the Store and you can buy just the base game, always at 24.99 euros, while the DC will cost 9.99 euros. If you are interested is so convenient to make the purchase in the first 60 days.
We leave you now with a trailer that, despite of showing the contents of the DLC Crimson Court, also gives us a look at the gameplay of the game. Good vision!
MX Video - Darkest Dungeon