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Rumor: Series V-Rally will resurrect at the end of the year with V-Rally 4

If the lessons learned from MondoPlay MondoXbox responds to true off-road racing fans will have a new title with which to have fun during this autumn. A source close to the retail world has informed us today that the biggest sellers in the field have received news of the arrival in September of V-Rally 4 , fourth episode of the series rally by Infogrames and Eden Games whose third episode was released way back in 2002.

All that has been revealed is that the game is fixed at 23 September 2018 and which will be sold at full price on multiple platforms, so there would seem to be a low-budget title.

We don't know at the moment which is the developer and Publisher responsible for production of the title: Infogrames/Atari no longer exists as active producer of video games, while Eden Games is still in business after a stormy period and a closure of the study but is smaller in size than in the past and we don't know whether it is able to advance the development of a triple-A racer.

We'll keep an eye on it and we will let you know when we know more!
