Black Friday at Amazon: all Xbox One deals
Giuseppe Genga / Neural
P 24 nov 2017 09:19
So here's a list of all bids, to which we added some of those resignations in recent days and that are still particularly appetizing. Enjoy your shopping!
- Xbox One S 500 GB + Game - 179.98 Euros (36%)
- Elite Controller - € 99.99 (save 33%)
- Forza Motorsport 7 - € 39.99 (Save 43%)
- Middle-Earth: the shadow of war - Eur 43.99 (save 37%)
- The Evil Within 2 - Eur 39.90 (Save 43%)
- South Park: Clashes-Upright - 44.99 € (save 37%)
- Final Fantasy XV - 24.80 Euros (save 65%)
- Destiny 2 - € 39.99 (Save 43%)
- Dishonored 2 - 18.99 Euros (save 73%)
- Skyrim Special Edition - € 28.99 (save 52%)
- Project Cars 2 - 40.98 Euros (save 41%)
- The Witcher III GOTY Edition - 20.00 Euro (50%)
- Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite - 30.98 Euros (save 48%)
- UFC 2 - 19.90 Euros (save 33%)
- Titanfall 2 - 19.90 Euros (34%)
- Mirror's Edge Catalyst - € 13.90 (save 30%)
- Trackmania Turbo - 14.98 Euros (save 63%)
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