Dynasty Warriors 9 is shown in a new set of images
Fabrizia Cossu / Bibi
P 10 ago 2017 14:54
In Dynasty Warriors 9 will be present over 10 chapters each of which will begin at a specific year in the history of the three kingdoms : the first chapter begins in 184 a.d., the second in 190 ad, the third in 194 ad, the fourth in 197 ad, the fifth in 200 ad, the sixth and seventh in 208 ad, the eighth Start in 2015 dC , the ninth in 219 ad, and the tenth in 222 ad. after which the story will continue. In each chapter we will have to complete each objective to proceed in history: the title retains its open world structure that will allow us to be able to roam and act freely.
We leave you now to the set of images and we remind you that Dynasty Warriors 9 is still under development and a release date is still unknown.