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Microsoft Announces Deals with Gold of the week

In addition to the spring discounts , which in special news we reported both for Xbox One that for Xbox 360 , Microsoft announced today also the usual Deals with Gold , which unlike the other discounts are available only for Gold members. Eccoveli listed below: good buys!

Xbox One

Badland: GOTY Edition 85%
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 50%
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Ultimate Edition 42%
Energy Cycle 33%
Enigmatis 2: The Mists Of Ravenwood 30%
Forza Motorsport Porsche Expansion-6 75%
Grand Theft Auto V 50%
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride 30%
Kyurinaga's Revenge 50%
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 75%
Nightmares From The Deep 2: The Siren's Call 30%
No Time To Explain 50%
Not A Hero: Super Snazzy Edition 75%
Oceanhorn-Monster Of Uncharted Seas 33%
Shadow Warrior 80%
Super Night Riders 50%
Sword Coast Legends 67%
The Escapists: The Walking Dead 75%
Toro 50%
Yasai Ninja 50%

Don't miss other discounts of the week: the Spring Sale for Xbox One and for Xbox 360 !
