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Ripstone Games shows chess on consoles with Ultra Chess

Kelly Willoughby, Chief producer of Ripstone Games, announced that the new chess Simulator Chess Ultra , sequel to the 2012 title Pure Chess , will be released for Xbox One this spring. According to what stated by the developers, the game will offer all the features you would expect to find in a high-quality chess game, and many more.

You will find plenty of single-player content, including ten different levels of AI, multiple scenarios and a wide variety of chess set!

Once you have shown to IA what stuff you get, you can take action online and deal with your friends and other players of Chess Ultra from all over the world.

Also the game will support the PS4 fluidissimi 60 frames per second and there will be beautifully rendered textures with PBR (physical based rendering).

Unfortunately there are no additional details: we leave you to announce trailer. Good vision!

MX Video - Chess Ultra