Spencer: the Xbox One games of 2017 will be very different experiences and IP
Giuseppe Genga / Neural
P 18 gen 2017 09:34
While not responding directly and explicitly to the question, Spencer explained that " the Xbox One games coming this year will be very different for us. Will not be led by franchise as Halo FPS FPS or Gears, but they will be new experiences with different IP, it will be a fun year . "
The answer does not explain definitively if and how many new IP the House of Redmond will announce, but lights still some hope into those who expect announcements of this kind: of course we hope that Microsoft is keeping secrets a series of ads in order to create a "surprise" when the Project will be revealed whether this will happen at E3, Scorpio is that they do so in an ad hoc event. We just have to wait for developments!