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Bethesda explains new options to fix coming for Dishonored 2

Bethesda has released details today thorough about news coming with the second update of Dishonored 2 to arrive on 23 January, and more specifically the custom difficulty and how man of steel; read on for all the info!

Get the perfect match in Dishonored 2 is a complex challenge. You want to get out of it clean with Corvo or wander furtively to Karnaca as Emily, Dishonored 2 there's always testing. With the second game update (available from next week), you will have more options to make the challenge even harder, improve your chances of success and even repeat a quest to try a different approach.

Available from 18 January on PC as Steam beta and officially released on January 23 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC , the second game update introduces two substantial modifications: custom difficulty levels and selection of missions.

Custom difficulty allows you to create an even more suitable for you. For example, you are conscious players who like to evaluate each option? Now you can set how the world reacts to your attempts to peek from behind a corner. With over 20 new options you'll be spoilt for choice: the rate of effectiveness of active narcotic the number of enemies that can DART attack you at the same time.

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Among other things, we have introduced an option that represents the ultimate challenge. Activate the steel Man mode at the beginning of a new game: death is permanent and you will neither save nor manually load. "How man of steel pushes Dishonored 2 at most," says Chief Designer Dinga Bakaba. "You'll have to accept the consequences of your actions or die forever because of them."

After installing the second update, you can also repeat the missions already addressed. If you want to further improve the stealthy approach in your game, this is your chance. Note: selectable missions maintain state of the match at the beginning of that mission (character, level of chaos, runes, money, choices, etc.).

In addition, the second game update contains other new or improved features based on your feedback. Soon we will publish detailed notes.
