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New Game + mode of 2 December 19, arrives announced Dishonored second update

Bethesda Softworks announced that a New Game + mode of Dishonored 2 , of which we had already spoken , will be released on PS4 Xbox One with the Update 1 to Monday, December 19 . The Publisher is also know that the new mode can be unlocked only when players will have completed, with Emily or Crow, the campaign of the game.

For those who still did not know this new game mode, note that will allow us to start a new game by keeping all power-ups and items earned with the previous mode and the ability to set new levels of difficulty "custom" to customize even more our experience.

In addition to the new game mode, the update will also introduce a number of improvements including a particular circular menu to select multiple objects quickly by use, improvements to artificial intelligence and General improvements to further enhance the entire gaming experience.

The Publisher announced that the title Update 2 will arrive in January and will include two new features: the selection of custom missions and difficulty settings, with which we can further customize our style of play and the challenge level thanks to a wide range of options.

Continue to follow us to stay updated on the stealth game steampunk developed by the guys at Arkane Studios !
