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The remaster of Darksiders will be called Warmastered Edition, details on these enhancements

As we previously reported , Nordic Games is working on the Remaster of the first Darksiders , that now we find being Darksiders: Warmastered Edition . The Edition, sold at a price of € 19.90 and released on October 25, will bring with him several technical improvements to make the gaming experience more enjoyable in the current console generation.

The improvements made by the development team are:

  • Resolution native 1080 p;
  • Texture resolution doubled;
  • Adjustment and various improvements in rendering;
  • Best quality of rendering of shadows;
  • Best Visual effects ;
  • 60 FPS constant gaming;

Darksiders is a hack-and-slash of action- adventure where you play as war, one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse.  The game universe is created by a writer of comics and artist Joe Madureira , who also the aesthetic aspect of the sequel. For now there is no news about a third chapter, although the existence of this remaster and his entourage are to Kindle hope fans.

Awaiting further news on the franchise, we remind you that Darksiders: Warmastered Edition is coming out on October 25 at the price of € 19.90.