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The brutal platformer Super Mutant Alien Assault arrives on Xbox One on 12 July

Independent developer Chris Suffern today announced that fast and brutal platformer game Super Mutant Alien Assault will be released also on Xbox One on July 12 . In the game you will have to fend off an alien attack by dint of frantic gun fights in 12 levels, all made from a single screen with a random composition of platforms, goals, objects, and enemies.

The key points of the challenge are the random generation and final death. You will never know what weapons and skills you will have at your disposal or which enemies and bosses you will face. To complete the game, you will have to learn to know and develop your skills, making experience with the wide selection of weapons, explosives and abilities.

Also, Super Mutant Alien Assault evolves. Playing, you will unlock weapons, abilities, modes, enemies and bosses. Then, every time you drop into the fray, there will be something new to make your game.

We leave you to all other details released by the developer the announce trailer and a set of images, informing you that the title is already available to purchase and download the anticipated at the price of 9.99 € (discounted for a limited time of 20%) and a weight of 179.87 MB. happy reading and enjoy!


Play Unreal Tournament made me see how much fun have a vast arsenal of effective weapons to use, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, so as to require strategic use. Might then happen not to have the best weapon for any situation. All this pushes me to play better, to consider their choices and to adapt more quickly to each scenario. Victories in those conditions are those who remember really and that make us feel heroes. These concepts are an essential part of how I designed the arms of SMAA.


In one game, everything has to be fun. Especially kill their enemies. The blood plays an important part in this. However, the blood has a cost that you probably don't imagine, if you're not game developers. Has a cost in terms of classification of the title, because it restricts the target players. Has a cost even on processors and reduce what can be displayed in a scene. It is not easy to generate hundreds of particles of blood, guts and corpses that behave realistically and interact with the rest of the level. In short, the blood that is not limited to disappear, but stay where you are, so that meeting ended, you can watch the battlefield and see the traces left by your combat. None of this is easy, but I want you to know that I fought for it, because it is important.


That low powerful, at the right time. There is nothing better than dancing with death and shot in the face the aliens, all to the sound of dubstep music. Among other things, there is no question of dubstep. For an entire year of development, I scoured the net looking for the best dubstep tracks that I could find. What I found has forever changed my music library. If you like dubstep, you are in for a big surprise. If it doesn't please you, you'll probably find that it's the perfect soundtrack for the intense and brutal action of SMAA. You might even convert.

Who are the creators?

The official development team consists of me. I'm the only programmer and designer. Keep this in mind when you form your expectations on the size of the game. Having said that, I would have been crazy to want to do everything myself. I asked for help from other professionals regarding the graphics and I purchased the rights to use the music. Many other people have helped me with testing and providing feedback on the game. Finally, the whole team of Surprise Attack Games , my publisher, I supported a lot in many different ways.

Create this title was a great trip. Just over two years ago, I decided to run the risk of chasing my biggest dream: making games full time. I'm really proud of SMAA and can't wait to share my work with you all in a few months.

MX Video - Super Mutant Alien Assault