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Overwatch: Blizzard discusses what's new in competitive mode, arrives later this month

The Director of development of Overwatch Jeff Kaplan has posted a video which shows the news contained in the update of the competitive mode of the game, announcing the arrival later this month; Kaplan explains, however, that the new system put in place for competitive matches is not final and the first "season" will serve to evaluate crowd pleaser and apply any changes. We list below the highlights of his speech.

  • The duration of seasons 2 and a half months, was completed with two weeks off between one season and the next. In fact this will ensure that there is a season every 3 months.
  • The extra time/overtime will be modified so that very infrequently: the idea is that you don't make a habit but rather make it more exciting moments when it happens.
  • Players will no longer be divided into skill levels but will be introduced the MMR ( MatchMaking Rating), already used in various MOBA: is a performance indicator of the player that will be used to mix and match players of similar skill. Players will also receive a Skill Rating, an assessment of their skills ranging from 1 to 100, and when you finish the qualifying matches the game will show us our SR than the others.
  • Anyone can see the Skill Rating of others into the game, and players will also be kept informed of the SR of players average into the game, so you know if you're struggling against players on average stronger. Using this system, weaker players will earn more by winning against enemies with an SR taller, and lose less in case of defeat.
  • It will be easy to see which players a match formed a party together.
  • There will be prizes cosmetics for players who get good results: spray and Player icons for those participating in a session, and a system of "golden gun" that will make our guns more attractive. Also the top players will get exclusive prizes.

As mentioned above, the update is expected later this month: we will update you when it announced the exact date.