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Fragments of Him is available on Xbox One

Please note that Fragments of Him is available for download on Xbox One priced at 9.99 € and weighing 10.11 GB. We leave you to the description of the game provided by the Xbox Game Store: enjoy!

In Fragments of Him reliving the life experience of four, connected by love and by a tragic accident. You will walk with Will that last morning and discover the meaning of his final thoughts. With Mary, the grandmother of Will, you will learn of his youth, of their bickering and how, finally, they too have overcome some differences. Sarah was the girlfriend of Will and his first love. She will tell us how, along with Will, reached a better understanding of herself. And then Harry's partner Will at the time of the accident. Will never accept his loss?

Most online for a play than to a classic game, in Fragments of Him explore the world in a first-person view and gently drive Will, Mary, Sarah and Harry in their stories. Is an intriguing emotional drama, built without puzzles or difficulty, and created for players who are looking for an artistic experience.

Although Moody occasionally, Fragments of Him is ultimately a positive analysis of what it means to open their hearts to others. In the course of the experience the various strands that make up the life of Will will be combined, creating a single story of love, remember and hope.