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One Piece Burning Blood: Smoker and Sengoku fight on video

Bandai Namco has released two new videos of One Piece: Burning Blood that focus on Smoker (Devil fruit Ability: ambition, Logia) and Sengoku (Devil fruit Ability: ambition, Zoo Zoo). The first movie shows us Smoker (who here appears as two years before at the battle of Marineford) fight against Luffy, his eternal opponent. Repeatedly hits Luffy smoker with plumes of smoke and use the powers of his brainchild moku moku no MI to create jets of smoke that allow him to soar through the air.

In the second video, instead, Sengoku battles Ace against the backdrop of the forest Level marina. The power of the devil fruit Sengoku Zoo Zoo allows it to become a huge Daibutsu (Buddha) Golden, towering over Ace hitting him with tremendous force.

One Piece: Burning Blood will be released on [/play] the PlayStation 3 Xbox One [play] June 4.

MX Video - One Piece: Burning Blood