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A new video of Battleborn shows us the skills of Marquis

Gearbox Software has released a new video of Battleborn , hero shooter to be released on PlayStation 3 on 4 May. The movie presents us with the following skills of Marquis de Calibre :

  • Rovinafagotti : special retractable sniper rifle of the Marquis, which also features a handy gun for short-range attacks mounted on football. Many improvements.
  • Time warp : alters the flow of time in the designated area for 6 seconds, slowing enemies that are in the distortion.
  • Esplodifagotto : a powerful shot that deals 525-750 damage; its damage increases in proportion to the time of flight. Must be loaded prior to use.
  • Dandy titanium Ver. VI : the Marquis has a rather fragile and faces the strategic approach attentive and Battleborn opponents.
  • Raptor Attack : Hoodini array in the designated location. Hoodini reveals on the map nearby enemies and collides with them, inflicting 208-280 damage.  A maximum of 3 owls can be active simultaneously.
  • Eins, Zwei, die : gunshots mark the target. The third shot against the same target adds 50% of your attack damage as bonus damage.

To follow the video: enjoy!

MX Video - Battleborn