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The horror all The Italian Town of Light comes to Xbox One

Microsoft invited us today at an event in Milan dedicated exclusively to uk indie studios to work on Xbox One through the program ID at Xbox, and on this occasion were announced several new upcoming titles on our console; among these is The Town of Light of Tuscans LKA.

The Town of Light is a horror game (or more correctly a psychological thriller) firsthand that puts us in the shoes of O'connor, a patient of the psychiatric hospital of Volterra, before this type of facilities to be closed. Playing the role of protagonist we experience his psychiatric condition difficult as we explore dark and aseptic environments typical of psychiatric facilities of the past, to find clues that will restore our past and the causes that led us into the Institute.

Waiting for more details on Xbox One version of the game we leave you a trailer last year that also shows some moments of gameplay, followed by a longer demonstration of play and a series of images. Good vision!

MX Video - The Town of Light