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Star Wars Battlefront has sold over 12 million copies according to analysts

EA had, prior to launch, big expectations for Star Wars: Battlefront : COO Peter Moore in fact stated on several occasions that he expected to sell about 13 million units of the game by the end of 2015. And according to the market analysts Michael Pachter and Evan Wilson, may have reached the goal.

Pachter declares that, according to estimates in its possession, the game would have sold 6 million units in November and December, totaling 6 million to others so the 12 million total. Similar data is carried over from another analyst, Wilson, who says that the title has sold in 2015 between 12 and 13 million copies.

It therefore appears that the strategy to dedicate a competent team like to SAY to the creation of a title mostly mechanical and immediate and casual multiplayer panels attached at the exit of the awakening of the force , has recognized the American colossus. We are curious to see what results will have the new Star Wars of Visceral Games, which some rumor is an action-adventure (the Tomb Raider, for instance) exquisitely single-player.