The Xbox One version of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on the checkmark comes the Games Store, 2 December
Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96
P 19 nov 2015 16:19
When the prices of the issues have not yet been revealed and most likely over the next few days the software house will release more details about the new version of the title. Meanwhile, here is the description of the game provided by the Xbox Game Store followed by a set of images taken from the Xbox version One of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare . Good vision!
Besieged castles and pillage villages in this online experience from 24 players. Abandoned rifles and grenades and test your mettle against the cold steel.
- Includes more than 25 fields of battle, a multiplayer online mode for 24 players and the new Horde mode.
- The deep melee combat system lets you wield over 60 brutal weapons, from Salem to longbows.
- Switch from intense combat in first person to third person tactical display at any time.
- Strategies and tactics to foster alliances between team players to break down doors and assassinate the noble enemies in the name of victory.
- Use a wide range of siege weapons, from catapults to the boiling oil, from Ballistae, Battering Rams and much more.