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Rumor: Blizzard prepares to announce Overwatch for consoles

Revealed for PC in November 2014, Overwatch is a colorful Blizzard multiplayer FPS belonging to the genus " hero" shooter ", i.e. where each player chooses a different predetermined character extremely different from the rest in both appearance and in skill, as we have already seen in Battleborn of Gearbox.

It now appears that may soon be announced a console version of the title. American chain stores GameStop have started accepting pre-orders for the console versions of the game, but in the past were different clues emerged from beta code PC game that suggested the existence of those versions.

To this we add that Microsoft recently announced that Blizzcon, Blizzard event 2015 which will take place on 6 and 7 November, will be seguibile live on Xbox Live app Events Viewer; Why show on your console the one developer working on PC? There is an ad?

We just have to wait a few hours to find out; Meanwhile we leave you with a trailer which gives you an idea of the type of game.

MX Video - Overwatch