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EA postpones Mirror's Edge the next Catalyst may 24

Electronic Arts announced that the adventures of Faith in Mirror's Edge Catalyst will not see the light on February 25 as planned so far, but were postponed to May 24, 2016, exactly three months later, to further improve the quality.

In fact, from the official website to read the words of senior producer Sara Jansson, who explained the main reasons for the postponement:

"We are building the game more immersive action-adventure game with fluid movements and fighting.  Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be a new project, with a history deeper and more engaging of the first chapter, and we want to accomplish all these goals with the highest quality possible for players. That's why we made the decision to let out Mirror's Edge worldwide on May 24, 2016, using these extra months to give you a rich adventure, fun and memorable ".

Series fans will have to wait three months before we play.
