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Project Spark becomes completely free from October 5

Microsoft announced that the next 5 October, to coincide with the release of more substantial update since the release of the game, will transform Project Spark in a completely free of charge. Will then be unlocked all previous charges and additional content will be encouraged even more users to create new scenarios and materials.

But for those who have already purchased the game in digital or physical shape just before it became free-to-play, this change in what results? All those who bought Project Spark or about DLC starting from July 28, 2015 will have repaid their money with Microsoft Store usable credit. This credit will be added to your account between 30 and 60 days of October 5, 2015 and reimbursement is valid also for those who spent money converted to in-game currency and has not yet exploited. It is not yet clear whether compensation will be made only for consumers of the United States or in all other countries.

This transition also means an exit from Microsoft as an active part in the creation of content: after 46 packages with more than 2,000 items added, future content will be created only by users. Also halts the release of new episodes of Conker, whose adventures can be carried out freely by players with new user-based levels.

For all the news and changes that will be introduced with the latest and 16th Title Update, please see the long list this on the official blog of Project Spark , reachable within this page .