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The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone has a date, pictures and videos

CD Projekt RED announced today that Hearts of Stone , the first expansion to the history of The game 3: Wild Hunt , will arrive on October 13 in downloadable format but also in stores in a physical version, in a special box sold costs 19.99 Euros, will contain in addition to the code download two decks of cards and a tutorial with Gwent the rules of the game of cards. Those who have already bought the Expansion Game Pass, however, can still get cards from Gwent by submitting a proof of purchase of the expansion through this site .

Hearts of Stone will last approximately 10 hours and will see us struggling with an immortal Bandit Olgierd von Everec. Developers tell us that the expansion will allow you to " choose our way into an adventure that will recruit a band of artists of the robbery, spending a night with a ghost and win in the most bizarre creatures cunning Geralt ever met ".

The expansion will also introduce a new system of Runewords (literally Rune words), that CD Projekt RED promises will be able to affect gameplay mechanisms in many parts of the game. Expect more details.

We leave you now with a teaser trailer and a set of images that show us for the first time the contents of the expansion, along with an illustration of the packaged Edition of expansion.

MX Video - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt