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The Windows app 10 updates to enable streaming in high quality

In recent days, you could see a circular Guide to enable streaming in high quality, and 60 fps, 1080 p from Xbox One Windows 10; We didn't because we had proposed changing the registry provided that it is always best to do only if you are absolutely sure you don't make mistakes, but just OK. Microsoft has just updated the Windows app to version 10 and 8.8.15003.00000, in addition to a series of shortcuts with mouse and interface tweaks, introduced the option to enable streaming in high quality.

To update the app, you can simply open the relevant page in the app Store Windows 10: this will note that the app system is to upgrade and start downloading.

Once updated, simply go to settings > Streaming and select game quality "very high". One important note, though: this setting will prove of high quality only if you have a home network and extremely fast, perhaps, is that the Xbox One PC are connected via ethernet cable to the router. Otherwise, you might experience delays and other problems due to the inability of the network to transfer a lot of data, and then you may want to return to using quality previously.

All you have to do is try it for yourself!