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Gears of War Ultimate: 19 maps to launch, Xbox bundle One and first ViDoc

From the San Diego Comic-Con coming today a series of new info on Gears of War: Ultimate Edition , the remaster for Xbox One of first GoW coming on August 25. California fair was announced a new bundle-which for now we do not know if it will arrive in Europe-which includes the game with 500 GB Xbox One without added price; in practice, anyone who buys a console from August 25 will have free Gears of War: Ultimate Edition .

In the description of the bundle we discover that the game will launch ben 19 multiplayer maps and 6 different modes, certainly more than enough to keep you busy for many hours, fans of the series.

Finally, The Coalition has released the first ViDoc, in which game developers talking about the remake work of painstaking cut-scenes; the page is completely in English, but even for those not familiar with the language may be worth it to see the fragments of animated scenes shown. Mostraimo it below along with an image of the new Xbox bundle One; good vision!

MX Video - Gears of War: Ultimate Edition