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Stars Wars: Battlefront-leaked information and gameplay from the Closed Alpha

Recently was started on PC the Closed Alpha for Star Wars: Battlefront , and some users are already able to investigate the package code doing so leaked very interesting information on weapons and vehicles in the game. We list below what emerged from the game, although there is no certainty that all will also be present in the final game.

  • Weapons: E11 , A280 , DH17 , DL44 , DLT19 , DLT20a , SE14c , Rocket Launcher and T21
  • Vehicles: T-65 X-Wing , TIE Fighter , Lambda Shuttle , Y-Wing , Tie Bomber , Corellian Corvette , Nebulon B Frigate , ISD (Imperial Star Destroyer) , AT-ST , AT-AT , TIE Interceptor , 74-Z Speeder Bike, Mon Calamari Capital Ship and Home One (the ship of Admiral Ackbar) .
In addition, any user is able to publish videos of the gameplay online game: propose below them hoping that they will not be removed. We are shown how Walker Assault map Hoth (multiplayer online) and Survival in Tatooine (offline Missions mode, which consists in destroying hordes of enemies).

Star Wars: Battlefront released on 20 November this year to One ; good vision!

MX Video - Star Wars: Battlefront