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Sunset Overdrive: Insomniac has a DLC to all those who have played

If you are among those who have played at Sunset Overdrive , check the messages on your Xbox One: you will be pleased to know that Insomniac decided to thank their players appreciated title giving them a DLC. The text of the message reads: " Hey, it's me Fizzie! Thanks for playing Sunset Overdrive. Here are some in-game gear to show you our appreciation ", followed by a download code.

The DLC, called "loyalty Package Fizzco", contains:

  1. Melee weapon Accordes de la Muerta
  2. AK Rifle-FOFF
  3. Head-Bang Rifle Gun
  4. Melee weapon Hangover
  5. Or costume
  6. Bot Fizzco costume
Good download and good return at Sunset City!