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Michel Ancel leaves the development of Beyond Good Evil 2 &

It seems the days of E3 are not harbingers of good news only. The microphones by IGN, the Vice President of marketing Tony Key, Ubisoft revealed that Michel Ancel is no longer involved in the creation of Beyond Good & Evil 2.

The title Ubisoft has a troubled history. Its production was confirmed again in 2008 and then falling into oblivion from which emerges every so often (about once a year and coincidentally close various E3 or Gamescom). Over the past seven years (seven!) released information were few and even fewer relevant material.

And so, during an interview these days, Key confessed that "Ancel is no longer involved in the project. Is very busy and we are working with him on other things ".  At the time, indeed, Beyond Good & Evil you are dealing with Wild, a title announced for PlayStation last year.

That confession is a way to get my hands on about a stop of the project?