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Alien: Isolation in excess of 2 million copies sold

Not an absolute record in terms of sales but estimates certainly an important milestone that demonstrates once again the fans are tied to this sci-fi saga: Sega announced that Alien: Isolation has exceeded two million copies sold since the day of release in stores occurred in October last year, to date; to be exact copies have sold 2.1 million. The number is expected to grow if we bear in mind that this FPS game developed by The Creative Assembly will be released in Japan the land June 11.

Given the success, is not to exclude the option of developing a new game dedicated to Alien. A job offer published in March by Creative Assembly reveals that the firm you are dealing with another triple-A multiplatform title for Xbox, PS4 and One PC, Although it is unclear whether it will be a sequel or a separate title. We hope that in E3 we will know more.