
Live your

The brass knuckles back in a promotional image for the new Assassin's Creed

After announcing the date where new interesting details are revealed about the new Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft has left a big clue at the north portal of the title in question: an image depicting a Victorian brass knuckles, surrounded by some writing carved on wood. The deductions that you can take are interesting and varied; I will list below.

  • The gold brass knuckles might be a feature of the new title of the series.

  • On the handle is inscribed with the phrase "Strength through loyalty" ("strength through fidelity"), a motto of Latin derivation.

  • The title of the British anthem "God Save the Queen" is also recorded on background of the image, as well as the word "Rook" (a special breed of Crow) with the stylized figure of the bird, commonly found in parts of Britain, Ireland and Northern Europe.

  • In the upper left you can see the text "We forge the chains we wear in life" ("we ourselves forge the chains we wear in life"), a quote from the novelette "the Cricket on the hearth" written by English author Charles Dickens.

We leave you to the image in question, which you can view below.