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Batman Arkham Knight: Rocksteady reveals the identity of Batgirl

As you know, a few days ago it was announced a DLC for Batman: Arkham Knight that will allow us to dress up as Batgirl. Since that time many Batman fans have begun to theorize on who could be behind his mask. Some have gambled on Barbara Gordon, daughter of the famous Commissioner, while others have focused on Cassie Cain, daughter of David Cain, a member of the League of assassins.

Two days ago we thought Sefton Hill , co-founder of Rocksteady, to remove any doubt about who asked him who he was actually Batgirl, writing in a tweet that this is the daughter of Commissioner Gordon.

Today Hill also revealed that in the next few days will be released two new videos "behind the scenes" and apparently in one of the two movies will be John Noble, the actor who plays the scarecrow. You refer then to the coming days for more news!