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Bungie announces a console version for mobile Earth RPG Battle

The land Battle , the Japanese tactical RPG Mistwalker currently available for free on the store of iOS and Android , has recently obtained the surprising result of 2 million downloads by users. To celebrate this huge and unexpected goal, the developer Mistwalker has decided to create a version of the game for home consoles. Actually this was already planned: the developer had created a project with the name Download Starter , who has some "checkpoints" that, once achieved, would lead to the addition of new content such as characters, downloadable soundtracks, and so on.

These checkpoints are based all on reaching a certain number of downloads of the game and, in fact, the last point-that of 2,000,000 downloads-find title development for console. Mistwalker has also announced that the Download Starter will not stop, and that you will add more and more interesting content to the game.

The developer hasn't announced an official date of launch and did not specify what console the game will be made; We leave you to the trailer that celebrates the tremendous achievement from the ground Battle .

MX Video - Terra Battle