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ORI and the Blind Forest is a commercial success: Microsoft "super happy"

Despite only a few days have passed since the release, the new action-platform first party of Microsoft Gold and The Blind Forest is already enjoying enormous success: the title of Moon Studios has gone beyond all odds, making it one of the best titles released recently on Xbox One.

Through a post on NeoGAF one of the developers of the title, Thomas Mahler, announced that the game was in surplus-i.e. has recovered all of the money spent to develop it-already after one week since launch, and that Microsoft is "super happy" for the results. This bodes well for a sequel to the game, and for the fact that Microsoft can continue to invest in projects of this kind, producing a greater number of exclusive digital projects in partnership with capable small studies.

Mahler also explained that soon will be released a patch that will fix some problems reported by the community, including one-rather rare but very annoying-he sees disappear rescues returning players points further back in history than where they had arrived.
